So for this post, I have a piece of advice I'd like to share with you, compiled from 3 websites I stumbled upon.

1. Flaxseed - apparently has one of the highest Omega-3 source other than fish. Recommended as alternative to fishes. The oil that comes from flaxseed will also help to mosturise our skin from the inside. How to eat it? Daily take 2.0-2.5grams (1/2 - 1 teaspoon) and feel the difference in approximately 6 weeks.
2. Green tea - one keyword you need to know: ECCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) or catechin. Almost all tea has this ingredient, green tea has the most. Catechin degrades with when the temperature is cooling so its good to have your tea while its hot! Green tea has lower caffeine level too. Other properties that makes this tea a must in our pantry are: anti-aging, prevents skin cancer, lion-tamer effect on tumor cells and stress relieve. Dosage per day? 2-6 cups a day will get the catechin moving.
3. Almond - a traditional favourite this one, it is not a nut, it is seed! Its loaded up with Vitamin E, a sunblocker property that will make give your skin a good shield against the sun. How much to eat it? It was proven that 20 almonds a day (about 14 miligrams) make you get less sunburned than a person who doesn't take any almonds.
You've got my top 3 picks, now you go and do more research. The links are below and happy surfing!
1. The perfect skin diet: 10 foods for your face.
2. Feed your face: 10 foods for better skin.
3. 18 foods that make your skin glow. <-----My favourite!!!