Wednesday 2 November 2011

Don't Speak Unless You are Told to

Fellow readers,

Perhaps from this article we can deduce that if you not an architect, do not speak about architecture right? If you are not a doctor, do not cross examine yourself. If you not an engineer do not speak of structural parts.

It's wrong to think that one does not have an opinion over a subject. Maybe wrong to assume but never wrong to voice out our concerns and express our thoughts.

One does not need to read an article like this to be reminded that works of architecture can't be summarized into words:

Field of architecture is an expressive one and the client has share the same amount of ambitiousness. We can read as many theory books about others but it is really down to experiencing the building or space before us that we truly understand.

For this I am inspired to embark onto a massive architectural journey in 2014. I will explore this more in my next entry.