Book information:
Took me aeons to finish this book since I bought it in February. I wish I am a fast reader but not everyone is a superhuman. Well, let me reveal to you why I bought this book in the first place. I think I have discover a passion to 'doctor' my home country, for it to be better and nice for all. I find it hard to learn at a mere citizen level, hence I decided to learn from the 'experts'. I have been collecting books from notable leaders, such as Dr M, Bill Clinton (also because he has the same birthdate as mine) and Barack Obama to name a few. Notice that the leaders I chose are contemporary leaders because I believe their visions are still relevant for at least another 10 years time.
Especially for Dr M's book, my interests in Malaysia with his more than other leaders I have read. What did I learn from him:
1. We have to have a sense of pride that not only make us who we are but eventually make others' respect us of what we believe in. Not to say being egoistical is good all the time but also the flexibility is much appreciated especially you have to make decision for others. I believe that not many will see his good intention straightaway but mostly will realize Dr M's contribution in 2-3 generations later.
2. Its not that he hated the Jews but he just appalled of how disunited Muslims can be. He is not talking of just Malaysian Muslims but Muslims on a global scale. To date, there are 1.3billion of Muslims to 14million of Jews1. How could a lesser community got hold of how the world works? I am not going to travel more in this subject as I think I am more adapt to talk of buildings than theology.
3. "A muslim fundamentalism must let me be moderate" - Dr M. This quote shows how he can adapt to 'international' terms without being oppressed by their demands. Extremism is prohibited in order to win votes and favour from everyone. In his case, Malaysia is a tough one to crack as he had to make deals with all races and religions hence sometimes one sector is compromised as to make way for the others. As we all know it, its hard to please everyone.
4. He does believe in a little bit of punishment just so that others could learn the lessons. This comes from managing a multi-racial country. He believes in order to keep everything in order, he had to show his authoritarian claws sometimes. I guess it works. The whole chapter of 'For Your Eyes Only' p.127-142 he explored the idea of educating people of how idealism works for multi-racial community. Although his approach could mean dictatorship to some point, he did maintain peace for 22years.
5. Not all that comes from the West is good. I felt that this is the underlying intent of the book. Dr M's policy of 'Looking to the East' not only will benefit the region but also keep the context relevant in terms of culture. What understands more about a South-East Asian country than its....neighbour? Relevance is the main point here. We can say, well, we can learn from the Westerners? Nope, perhaps its better that we explore things ourselves in order to undersand our capabilities.
Top 5 points from the book. Now, some basic info for the book:
Author - Tom Plate
Published - 2011 (its new!)
Publisher - Marshall Cavendish Singapore
Number of Pages - 24pp including Appendix (dont worry, the font is as big as the Twillight series book)
Probably we can discuss about this book too! Tell me what you think. :)
1. List of Religious Populations - Wikipedia
2. Conversations with Mahathir Mohamad by Tom Plate - Amazon.com (I bought mine in Malaysia in February 2011)
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