When I was small, most of the primary school teachers always ask us of our hometown. So some of my friends were telling the class of their own experience and change of cultures happening around them. Even we could tell them apart by their accents. So when it comes to me, I'd say "My hometown is KL." They told me that it was an illegitimate answer. Hometown has to be outside of KL.
My question back then was WHY? Why a hometown must be from outside of KL. Reason they gave me was because KL is a town and everyone just got to have a hometown other than KL. KL is always the place you live in but not the place you belong to. It comes to the question of why the place you live in cannot be the place you belong to? Experience differs from individuals, hence in this case applied to me.
So it didn't happen once. The second time it happened, I devised a plan. Knowing enough of my parents' background I sort of say that both of my parents came from outside of KL and when they met they have decided on KL as their new home. So here I am as an outsider. This time the question was "So which one is your hometown?"
Goddamnit. So now I have to enforce favouritism on my parents. How clever. Well, such a naive me. I chose my dad's hometown to exploit to the class. The advantage was the fact that I did spent more time at my dad's hometown and possessed a really subtle southern accent. I passed as an outsider.
Reality hit me at that moment. Why my dad's instead of my mum's place? Why should I chose one over another? I never liked discrimination but yet I was doing it. I never want to have to choose but I have done it.
A few years later, I became aware of the public holiday on the 1st February as to celebrate the formation of other 3 Federal Territories in Malaysia - KL, Labuan & Putrajaya. I said to myself, if the government acknowledged KL as a state/territory, why can't I claim it to be my hometown?
KL is my hometown! I was born and brought up with its lifestyle. I bore my dad's asthma problem that worsen each day with KL's super polluted air. I am truly a city kid, so what? Paranoia is normal in order to survive each day in KL. Shortcuts, friends, and discounts are the recipe to a sweet life. I learn how to mingle, how to become invisible by becoming 'normal'. I was always the weird one but guess what, I did survive! When rain hits town, books had become my best friend in order to pass the time. When friends turned their backs on me, I had consolation from the internet where I could always replace them with new ones from all over the world. When I can't find the thing I was looking for in the local shop, I had the whole of KL to shop from. When I felt inadequate to dress properly, KL lets you to be who you are. I was oblivious to the world because when I am in my own fantasy. A kinda of fantasy that KL gave you access to the things you wanted. The kinda freedom only you can feel it. So what if everyone elses had their own outside-KL hometown.
Because I am proud to say that my hometown is KL.
To all, I love KL. It is the best place on earth, and no where else like it!